A picture of three neon green wash instruction tags.


Asking questions

Gender Inclusion
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity

Brand strategy, verbal and visual identity for a fashion brand based around self-expression, gender-inclusivity, and consumption.

A triptych. Three images side-by-side using different drawn-on techniques to commemorate different seasons.
Close-up on a branded clothing tag.
A montage of an Anybodies care instruction tag design.
The sole of an Anybodies-branded shoe. The sole is fluorescent green and the size is debossed into it.
Front cover of Anybodies editorial titled, "Somebodies".
A spread from Somebodies editorial about men crying.
A diptych. On the left side is a store wayfinding map from afar, on the right side is a close-up of the same map.
Three Anybodies-branded posters, side by side on a black background.
Two Anybodies flyers promoting talks at the store.